Tool Bar Functions
Listed below are the functions performed by each of the toolbar buttons for this screen;
Redraw airfoil section |
Show airfoil coordinate points. The red points indicate existing data. The blue points indicate new airfoil coordinates added whilst in this screen. Clicking on this button will toggle this feature on and off. |
This button increases the size of the airfoil. |
This button reduces the size of the airfoil. |
This button is used to select the Leading Edge Radius TemplateLEADING_EDGE_RADIUS_TEMPLATE feature. When this button is clicked , any movement of the mouse within the airfoil window will cause a circle to move about over the plot of the airfoil. The position of this template can be set with a click on the left mouse button. Coordinates can then be set by using the mouse. The size of the circle is dependant on the radius set in the LE RADIUS box. This is expressed as a percentage of the thickness of the airfoil. The default value is 2%. |
This button is used to toggle the Leading Edge Radius Template on and off. |
This button is used to modify the camber of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the CAMBERCAMBER_MODIFICATION_SCREEN modification screen. |
This button is used to modify the thickness of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the THICKNESSTHICKNESS_MODIFICATION_SCREEN modification screen. |
This button is used to mirror one of the surfaces of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the MIRRORMIRROR_AIRFOIL_SURFACE airfoil surface screen. |
This button is used to identify a coordinate pair. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. |
This button is used to add new coordinates. If the left mouse button is pushed whilst the mouse pointer in the airfoil window then a coordinate will be placed at that position. Clicking on the right mouse button will cancel this operation. All coordinates are entered as a pair, ie; a top coordinate and a bottom coordinate. Once the position of the top coordinate is set, then the lower coordinate x position will be restrained by the upper coordinate x position. However you are free to vary the y position of the lower coordinate. |
This button is used to discard all changes made. All new coordinates will be deleted. If a coordinate pair is selected (Framed with a grey rectangle) then this button will delete the selected coordinate pair. |
This button is used to accept the new coordinates and redraw the airfoil. |
This button is used to open the Enter Airfoil Coordinates in Airfoil CADEnter_Airfoil_Coordinates_in_Airfoil_CAD screen to enable coordinates to be added or amended using the keyboard. |
This button is used to open the Overlay AirfoilOverlay_Airfoil screen to select an airfoil to overlay over the selected airfoil. |
This button is used to load a background airfoil picture which can then be traced to create a new airfoil or modify an existing one. |
This button is used to clear a background airfoil picture. |
This button is used to move the background airfoil picture position in the Airfoil Cad screen. When the mouse is moved over the Airfoil Cad screen pane a rectangle will be drawn which is the same size as the background picture. As the mouse is moved this rectangle will move in the pane. To complete the move, press the left mouse button. |
This button is used to increase the size of the background airfoil picture. Each click of the button will increase the size. |
This button is used to decrease the size of the background airfoil picture. Each click of the button will reduce the size. |