Version History
Version History
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.57
The Code Signing certificate has been updated.
New Design/Airfoil menu added to elminate the need to click on the New button in the Airfoil and Design List screens.
Fixed installable ISAM errors when printing airfoils from the Print Airfoil screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.56
The start of the jig holes can now be specified as a distance from the trailing edge.
The jig hole centre option is now saved with the design print details.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.55
Fixed installable ISAM error when printing airfoils from the Print Airfoil screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.53
Fixes for camber and thickness menus in the Airfoil Cad screen.
Fix for airfoil thickness override in Print Design screen for CAD file export.
Airfoil thickness override in Print Design screen can now be varied for root and tip airfoils.
The thickness will then be applied linearly across the span based on the position of the rib.
Completed functionality for background picture in Airfoil Cad screen.
Pictures can be traced to create new airfoils.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.52
Fix for rib thickness override in Print Design screen when creating DXF files.
Fix for resetting rib thickness in Design Properties screen
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.51
Registration screen modified to allow registration by email.
Jig Hole washout feature is now fully functional.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.50
Fixed Printer Setup so that paper orientation selection is retained.
Added Dimension Defaults (Inches or Millimetres). Default length units for printing and creating designs can be selected here.
Fixed issue with Wing Plan view in Design Cad and Print Preview screens where spars are set to fixed chord position.
Added registration information to About screen. Now displays registration number, user id, email address and unlock code.
This feature requires the new RegInfo tool to be used to update this information.
Added RegInfo tool to patch and setup package.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.49
Fixed import airfoil coordinate validation to ignore invalid airfoil files and display error message.
If a directory of files are imported then any bad files will be ignored.
Fixed issue with design specifications not showing in print preview.
Added validation for Design Cad keyboard coordinate input to ensure that span or length is entered prior to allowing
entry of coordinates.
First part of Washout for wing jig holes implemented. Remaining part will be released in V3.0.50.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.48
Fixed problem with DXF export for Print Airfoil screen. Lower part of airfoil was not being generated.
Fixed problem with Airfoil Print Preview screen not closing.
Fixed issue with "Subscript out of range" error if skin thickness is to great when exporting a DXF file.
Fixed problems with DXF export where small artifacts where being generated at leading and trailing edges for some airfoils.
Airfoil print options are now saved so that these are retained for the next time an airfoil is printed.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.47
Fixed problem with DXF export intermediate spar positioning.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.46
Fixed problem with DXF export missing last coordinates for an airfoil.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.45
DXF export enhanced to reduce number of segments generated. Eg; 4500 reduced to 20.
Various issues with DXF export fixed and code refactored.
DXF export will also export a text file containing points (x,y,z) for import into IronCad.
Design print options are now saved so that these are retained for the next time a design is printed.
DXF export now auto closes the shape.
Jig Hole functionality enhanced.
Previously when a jig hole missed a rib a message was displayed and rib printing/dxf generation was stopped.
Now a message is displayed and jig holes that miss a rib(s) are not plotted or generated.
Fixed error 'Syntaxisfout (komma) in query-expressie name ='GEE BEE' and type = '9' and speed > 382,744.'
in Design List screen.
Fixed error "A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized" in Design Print Preview screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.44
Migrated old VB6 code to .Net C# code.
Fixed issue with DXF export. DXF export was causing Winfoil to hang forcing a user to terminate Winfoil and restart it.
Fixed Typed Mismatch error when zooming design in CAD screen.
Fixed overflow errors when closing Winfoil.
Jig Holes feature enabled.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.43
Fixed issue with DXF export. DXF export was causing Winfoil to hang forcing a user to terminate Winfoil and restart it.
Fixed Typed Mismatch error when zooming design in CAD screen.
Fixed overflow errors when closing Winfoil.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.41
Fixed problem with show points toolbar button in Design Cad screen.
Button was losing setting when saving design and when restarting Winfoil.
Points in the Design Cad screen can now be deleted by pressing the Delete key.
Added option on Other tab in Preferences screen to allow half span to be entered for Wing Designs in Design Cad screen.
New software licensing component added.
Old activation scheme replaced. Will need new activation key.
Initial release of Jig Hole functionality. Not fully functional in this release.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.40
Fix for airfoil thickness when printing ribs from Print Design screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.39
Fixed performance file import for countries that use a comma as the decimal point.
Fixed Syntax error (comma) in query expression when viewing the Design List screen for countries that use a comma as the decimal point.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.0.38
Fixed overflow error when exiting Winfoil with high screen resolutions.
Changes to support JavaFoil 2.23.
Note this release is not backwards compatible with older versions of JavaFoil.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.7
Added new help topic covering Performance Analysis.
Fixed error with HTML export for design reports.
CL Max and propeller efficiency can now be set at the design specification level.
Previously these settings could only be set globally and applied to all designs.
Initial values are set from the Performance settings in the Preferences screen.
Specification reports have been modified to display these settings.
Import and export of designs have been updated for these settings.
Fixed update error in Design screen.
Spar position can now be fixed in relation to the chord instead of following a chord position along the span.
Design picture zoom has been changed to maintain picture aspect ratio when zooming in and out.
Fixed issue where print preview required two button clicks to view.
Fixed print skin checkbox when printing specification
Fixed print of performance data so that speed and power required match selected units.
Previously would display speed in ft/sec and power required in HP.
Fixed issue with the saving of Design and Airfoil screen positions when closing Winfoil using the Close Window button.
Fixed performance chart speed ranges.
Previously these charts were plotted for speeds many magnitudes greater than the estimated maximum speed of the design.
JavaFoil airfoil analysis now writes to the CommonAppData folder.
This is required for Vista and Windows 7 when running Winfoil as a non Administrator user.
Export Ribs to DXF has been enhanced to allow the skin to be omitted for CNC rib cutting.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.6
The DXF export for ribs where a trailing edge thickness was specified has been fixed. Previously this was incorrectly scaling the rib y coordinates due to an error in the calculation of the maximum thickness.
The installation program has been updated using the latest version of Installshield (2011). Previously installations in non-English versions of Windows 7 or Windows Vista would fail due to a permission error 1609 when setting the permissions on the program data folder (Common Application Data). This folder is used to store the database and configuration files in accordance with Microsoft installation guidelines.
Automatic updates can be disabled if required.
The first time V3.3.6 starts the user will be prompted to confirm if they would like to enable automatic updates. Otherwise updates can be manually checked from the Help menu item Check for Updates.
Fixed display of airfoil profiles in Wing Wizard.
Fixed display of ribs in Rib View of Design Properties screen. Rib view was not catering for variable rib spacing.
Fixed issue with airfoil interpolation for DXF rib export.
Fixed issue with interpolation when variable rib spacing was used.
Fixed issue with change to skin thickness in the Print Design screen it would reset the rib spacing in the design cad screen.
You may need to reset the rib thickness for an existing design. You can check it by opening the design properties screen
and clicking on the Rib Spacing and Thickness Distribution tab. The rib thickness is displayed in mm or inches. You need to make sure that none of these have been incorrectly set. You can quickly reset them by clicking on the Reset Rib Thickness button. Press the Apply button to complete the update. There was a problem in V3.0.34 where changes to the thickness were not happening automatically as a wing design changed.
Fixed issue for change to dimension units in the Design Cad screen. Changing dimensions was not updating the spar sizes and rib spacing.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.5
Winfoil is now signed with a digital certificate to validate the authenticity of the software.
The installation package has been updated to comply with Windows 7 installation guidelines.
Fixed import of Winfoil Design XML files with european number format.
Fix overflow error when printing large (span > 8 Feet) wing designs.
Add validation to Design XML import to check that data is valid.
Fix zoom in Airfoil CAD screen. Previously when zooming to a large size an error would occur.
Fixed Winfoil wing design import. Spar depths were not being loaded.
Fixed overflow error when printing large wing designs.
Fixed help for spar design screens.
Fix for import of airfoil coordinates from a folder.
Wing and tail design import fixed. Was not creating ribs with correct thickness during the import.
Warning is now displayed if airfoil of imported design is not found in Winfoil 3 database.
Design Cad screen has been modified to automatically recalculate rib thickness if either of the
root or tip airfoils are changed.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.4
Fixed error in design list screen when clicking on the tabs after using the Design wizard.
Added links to DXF generation in the How To topic of the help file.
Fixed Test Print in Winfoil Preferences screen.
Removed winfoil manifest to eliminate screen repainting problem in Import and Export screens.
Fixed width of import airfoil coordinates screen when importing files from a directory.
Modified Winfoil to cater for airfoils with an apostrophe in the name.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.3
Fixed airfoil import. In cases where there were more coordinates on the lower surface, the airfoil coordinates would not be correctly imported.
Fixed error "Field 'AEROPERF.NAME' cannot be a zero-length string" when calculating performance.
Fixed error when changing the number of ribs in the Design Cad screen whilst the design properties screen was open.
Fixed error Invalid procedure call or argument when viewing the design cad screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.2
Fixed problem with dimensions being hidden in Wing Wizard screen when Winfoil was run in XP.
Fixed problem with Wing Wizard labels not being hidden when fields to enter dimensions was hidden.
Fixed save for Polar Graph screen. Save button was saving the graph as a Windows Metafile instead of a Bitmap file.
Fixed error which would occur if nothing was entered in the maximum or minimum speed in the Reynolds Number Graph screen.
Fixed error when changing coordinates in Print Airfoil screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.1
Fixed airfoil print to Clipboard.
Enhanced Soartech Airfoil import to cater for different airfoil coordinate format in UIUC Airfoil Database Web Site.
Fixed various errors which would occur when altering a design in the Design Cad screen with the Design Preferences screen open at the same time.
Added validation to Javafoil analysis to check for the existance of the java runtime and javafoil program files before starting the analysis.
Added calculation of thickness and camber after import of airfoil coordinates. Values are updated in the database after calculation.
Fixed export of coordinate files for Javafoil analysis. Winfoil will now export the coordinate file in the selected country's number format.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.0
- Fixed checking of file format when importing Winfoil type airfoil coordinate files. Was previously raising a Type Mismatch (13) error if the file was the incorrect format.
- Fix import of coordinate files for countries which do not have the English formatted numbers.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.9
- Fixed error when cancelling export of any item in the Export screen.
- Fixed setting of span value in the design specification tab.
- Added new Export design option in the Export screen. Export does not export design pictures. Export function will export all components and performance data for a selected design.
- Added new Import design option in the Import screen.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.8
- Fixed error in Design Properties screen when changing rib spacing.
- Fixed resizing of 3D view when Design Properties screen was resized.
- Fixed panning and zoom functions in 3D view.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.7
- Fix Print Design screen. If any key was pressed the online help was being displayed.
- Screen has been fixed so that only when the F1 function key is pressed the online help is displayed.
- Fix Design Properties screen to prevent intermittent program crash when screen was closed.
- Add XP Style manifest file.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.5
- Fix UpdateSpecification errors which were occurring when a new Design item was being created.
- Remove Beta labels. Make version number match file version number.
- Fix printing of Design Specifications.
- Added Trial Licensing so that all features of the program can be accessed prior to purchase.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.2
- Added check for exclusive file access for JavaFoil interface to resolve import error.
- Added file masks to labels on import and export screens.
Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.2
- Fixed Airfoil print.
- Fixed former size changing when switching from CAD to details tabs.
- Fixed Zoom in Wing Cad screen.
- Fixed update of codes. When creating new design components, if nothing was entered for the description, data or extra fields an error would occur.
- Trace picture load has been enhanced to allow the loading of JPG and GIF files.
- Fixed JavaFoil Interface. Now compatible with the latest version 1.95 and Java runtime.
- Help converted to HTML help so that it is compatible with Vista.