{bmlt bm180.BMP} 

This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD TabDesign_CAD_Tab .

Other Available Tabs

Design Additional Properties Tab ScreenDesign_Additional_Properties_Tab_Screen 

Design TargetsDesign_Targets 

Rib ViewRib_View 

Wing SweepWing_Sweep 

3D View3D_View 

This tab displays the rib number, span wise position (distance along the span from the root of the wing or tail design), spacing between each rib and the rib (airfoil) thickness. The measurement units are those which have been selected for the design.

To change the spacing, click on the rib spacing cell and type in the new spacing. The spanwise rib position will automatically be recalculated. To apply the change, click on the Apply button or click on the Close button. To make the rib spacing even click on the Even Spacing button then either click on the Apply or Close buttons. 

To change the rib (airfoil) thickness, click on the Rib Thickness cell and type in the new thickness. The default thicknesses will be displayed when the screen is first opened.  To reset the thickness back to the original, click on the Reset Rib Thickness button. To generate an Elliptical thickness distribution, click on the Elliptical Rib Thickness button. After clicking on the button a screen will be presented prompting the user to enter a tip thickness as a percentage.

The elliptical thickness distribution will override the Trailing Edge thicknessTrailing_Edge_thickness as the trailing edge thickness is obtained by altering the thickness of the airfoil.