This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD TabDesign_CAD_Tab .

Other Available Tabs

Design Additional Properties Tab ScreenDesign_Additional_Properties_Tab_Screen 

Design TargetsDesign_Targets 

Rib ViewRib_View 

Wing SweepWing_Sweep 

3D View3D_View 

Variable Rib Spacing Tab

This tab is used to alter the sweep back of a Wing or Tail design. 

To alter the sweep angle;

Enter a value for the  % chord position to apply the sweep angle. For example to have a 30 degree sweep back measured from the leading edge, enter 0.

Enter the sweep angle in degrees. To have sweep back enter a positive value. To have sweep forward enter a negative value.

Click on the Update button to update the value in the Design CAD TabDesign_CAD_Tab .

To make the change permanent, click on the Save toolbar button in the Design CAD TabDesign_CAD_Tab .