Tags: Airfoil Plotter

  • 7/07/2024
  • |
  • Category: Updates

Winfoil Portal Airfoil Plotting

The first stage of allowing the plotting of airfoils to PDF files from the Winfoil Portal has been released.
To view the list of airfoils click the link below.

Airfoil Plotter

This functionality is limited as follows

  • Limited to a single A4 print.
  • Metric dimensions only.
  • No page tiling.
  • No options for showing or hiding items such as grids.
  • No print history.

These features will be included in a later release.
Registered Winfoil users will have full access to these features.

To plot an airfoil to a PDF file, click select the Airfoil Plotter menu.
Select an airfoil and click on the Printer Icon.
Enter a chord length.
Click on the Print Airfoil button.

A screen will be displayed displaying the status of the print job.
Once complete, click on the Open Airfoil PDF button to view and print.


The image below shows the new Print Airfoil button.

The image below shows the PDF created with the Airfoil ready to print.