
Tags: About

I have a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and have been working in IT after graduation due to a lack of engineering opportunities in Australia.
I have been a modeler from an early age building Airfix Models, Control Line, and Radio Control Aircraft for a number of years.
I am a member of the Cronulla Model Aero Club and an Associate member of the Cootamundra Aeromodellers Association.
Sometimes I'll fly out past the Cootamundra flying field in my Microlight Aircraft early in the morning, then drive back later in the morning to fly my R/C models.
I get as much enjoyment out of designing and building as I do flying. There is a real sense of satisfaction when one of your designs completes the first flight.

As far as full-size aviation goes I soloed in a Glider at the RAN Gliding Association at HMAS Albatross at Nowra and logged 26 hours in an L13 Blanik sailplane.
I later learned to fly a Microlight at Wollongong Airport with Paul Haynes at the Sydney Microlight Centre and now fly my Airborne Edge X 582 from my Hangar at Cootamundra Airport.
I have over 460 hrs flying Microlights and have completed many cross-country flights and taken friends for joy flights on the South Coast of NSW and around the Cootamundra region.
I have just completed my conversion to a powered fixed wing and recently soloed in a Jabiru 230D. I will be commencing construction of a Skyreach Bushcat kit plane soon.

Below is a video taken on a flight from Cootamundra to Tumut. My son Thomas is in the back seat.

Below are some pictures taken from my Edge X Microlight.